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Sunday, March 28, 2010

post-wrestlemania thoughts:

wow....I am speechless....and how fitting is it that it's actually silent in the apt complex tonight....raining slightly...

you know a lot of people know I am a huge fan of wrestling....not just of WWE but of its purity it is two opponents facing one another in an athletic ballet of skills, moves, countermoves, and in ring psychology (applied both to the opponent and to the fans in attendance)....what was just shown in that last match is how wrestling should be....two men who worked their way to the top in one epic match after another...both stopping along the way to help make future stars to ensure the life of this art form continued....and tonight we saw one legendary man help end a legendary career of another....much in the same fashion of Flair two wrestlemania's ago...and like that match, we have all just witnessed a little piece of history disappear....

I've watched HBK since I was 11....I was a diehard Rockers fan....I was literally in tears when he kicked Marty through that barbershop window! but what I saw next was amazing....I watched a still young man blossom and grow into one of the best showmen I'd ever witnessed on tv....and as the years went on I was amazed at how every match for him was a good one....sure some were stellar and some just good, but I never found myself walking away from an HBK match going, well that wasn't his best work....there was always a sense of him bringing it to the mat every single time....and what amazed me more was that he got better as the years went on....when he returned and faced HHH at Summer Slam 02 it was like he had never left....and then he continued over the years to look better and better....and somehow make his opponents do the same! how many wrestlers can you look at and say that about?

I am glad he went out on such a grand stage and to such a worthy opponent....these two share so much history b/w the two of will be an emptier WWE without HBK and eventually without Taker, while I know there's not a snowball's chance in hell he'd ever read this I just have to say:

Shawn Michaels, thank you for providing me 21 years of memories