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Saturday, October 9, 2010

operation lean diva: one step at a time....

I hesitate using words like "skinny" b/c I don't want anyone to think I'm trying to work the hard earned muscle off so I figured "lean" was more apt....and I HATE the word tone...that should only apply to the soap....

so yesterday I figured out one reason why I was extra fluffy and hyper-emotional the whole previous week....good thing I did drop my shows b/c "it" arrived right on schedule....the ladies know what I mean! as a result I've been dropping all that water weight that comes with it which is great b/c I don't feel so rotund but at the same time it's annoying b/c I feel like I'm in the bathroom more than anywhere else! but it's temporary so eh, whatev...

yesterday was not the cleanest of eating but it wasn't terrible either....I had butter popcorn....a large bowl of it...hahahaha....the meals leading up to it were very clean so it wasn't THAT bad....the day before, however, was a total success! and I was very proud of myself and felt very good...and so far today it's been a total repeat...I also went out and did a 3mi walk...that's not that far for me but I had to play along with what mother nature has dealt me so I figured I'd do something else later to go along with it...with all the college football I'm thinking I'll just hop on my bike and pedal away...

so two days in a row and working on a third as being binge and/or purge steps...

1 comment:

Anglican Beach Party said...

Good progress!

And, I am liking the purple font.